Vispera CTO Ceyhun Akgül talked about how he envisions the future of Vispera for June 2017 issue of Capital Dream. He said:

"I envision a future time and a future place for Vispera where it is one of the leading technology companies of the world. Here, when image recognition is pronounced Vispera comes to mind first. Owing to the flexibility and prevalence of the image recognition technology that we are developing, we are taking part in health, environment and media sectors alongside our current focus on retail. We are drawing our strength from the minds, power and happiness of the people trained in Turkey. We are sustaining our founding structure as an intelligent, strong and happy organisation. 

Three years ago, when Vispera was first being established, I told our current founding partner and my previous employer Prof. Dr. Aytül Erçil that this is a relay race and that one of my greatest desires was to transfer the opportunity she provided me to our fellow team members as well as the rational and creative young people joining Vispera. This desire is strengthening and I want to see it happen heart and soul. I know that this is the only way to realise the dream I have described above. 

I have expressed this dream as if it is happening right now, today because the future is founded in present."