BYÖYO (Artificial Learning in Steppe Summer School), the postgraduate summer school organised by Hacettepe University under the umbrella of Science Academy will take place this year between August 21-24 in Ankara. The theme of the summer school is “Computer Vision and Robotics” and it is the follow up of last year’s “Artificial Learning and New Techniques in Information Processing Summer School” which was organised by ODTÜ and hosted a seminar given by Vispera’s CTO, Dr. Ceyhun Burak Akgül.
Vispera is sponsoring the project again this year and Prof. Dr. Aytül Erçil will be giving a seminar during the four day event. On the final day as part of “The Industry Session” Vispera as a company will be sharing its experiences regarding the applications of computer vision in the retail industry. The summer school is targeting students, academics and industry professionals working on relevant projects. The program’s aim is to instruct students in the foundational knowledge needed for research and to inform the students about the recent progresses in the area as well as to form a network among the students and field professionals through project and thesis discussions.
During the course of the four day summer school, seminars will be given by 15 renowned researchers working on computer vision and robotics. In between the sessions, the students will have the opportunity to present and discuss their research and thesis work in the form of posters, creating an environment for information exchange. Approximately 400 participants are expected this year.

July 27, 2017